this site was made on a 1920x1080 monitor, but it should work just fine on everything except your phone :P
navigation is on your left btw. note that this site is mostly PG, but some pages may include swear words (i don't curse too often so dw) :P (note #2: some links don't work yet, they will eventually trust)
things i need to do:
🔳 finish this index page
🔳 think of layouts for other pages (maybe put them all in a big iframe here?)
🔳 redo + update dpya rant
🔳 join more webrings
🔳 make a new navlink/nekolink ad
✅ finish my crk dailies
🔳 fix the problem where things would overlap each other if you resized your window enough
🔳 save my diamonds for shadow milk cookie
🔳 stop adding useless things to my site